Zero Hunger | Taxa - Cloud, Payments & Software for Business & Government | Taxa Inc,
Zero Hunger
To end the hunger and sustain the growth and consumption pattern.
Assuring Lower Scarcity
Researched in 2019, the global level of undernourishment has stabilized. However, the absolute number of undernourished people grows at a slow pace. It can be concluded that still efforts are needed to overcome the problem of famine and improve the living pattern globally. Over 26.4% of the world's population is facing severe food insecurity. It is not easy to improve the growth patterns because of the climatic changes; still, they can be stabilized.
Over time, famine has now become a significant part of the 20th century. As the weather conditions change and the temperature rises, it has become difficult to grow sufficient crops and agricultural products. The draining water tables and lowered rain has made it challenging for the economies to grow crops, which is threatening.
Do Not Waste Food, Simple
Many people wait for technological changes to cure such issues as droughts and hunger, but these problems are too complex
Obtaining food security is a prolonged approach. For starters, we need to utilize our food resources in a better way. It is estimated that almost 30% of food is wasted daily. To encounter such issues, technology can be used. Softwares should be indulged to keep track and estimate the time period in which the perishable goods should be consumed. Another option to end the problem of food wastage is to provide leftover food to the hungry. With the reduction in food waste, consumption patterns should be changed too.
Innovation is Important
After the 18th and 19th centuries, mechanization has improved output by increasing the amount of cultivated land. The dependence on physical labor always had a negative impact on the farms; the farm size was limited. However, promoted use of machinery provided a helping hand and slowly started taking over.
In the 1950s, rapid growth in crop yields began. A large part of this revolution resulted because of the careful and innovative breeding of new plants. The introduction of new varieties helped meet the crucial food demand, especially for the ones resistant to the changing weather patterns. Many scientists also believe that GMOs are the only way to save the world from health and environmental hazards.
Technology can be improvised and used in better management of crops using accurate farming. Weather conditions and climatic changes can be predicted. It helps to minimize the application of fertilizers, pesticides, water, and other costly resources. With the help of relevant technology, farmers can measure and apply the accurate fertilizers and pesticides required to grow crops. Sensors can help in identifying the issues and imposing the limited solution required.
The Innovation Never Stops
The new techniques for growing agricultural crops have shown a lot of massive changes. It helped farmers in rethinking the concept of farming and has got a lot to offer. Technology can help in predicting the weather in order to help grow the locally demanded crops. Furthermore, hydroponic gardens are environmentally friendly. They also cut greenhouse gas emissions because they dimmish the need to transport goods from one place to another. Recent research has proved that these gardens are a cost-effective, environmentally friendly option.
The food supply change will face significant changes over the coming years. As the world is moving towards growth, the increase in demand for crops and meat is rising unexceptionally. Factually, if the demand does not meet supply, the risk of lies and fraud increases. Consumers expect fresh, safe, and legal methods of consumption. Through technology, this can be made possible. Goods can be preserved so that whenever there is an increase in demand, the supply is always present.
Find the Best Solutions
More than 30% of the food is wasted globally. With an increase in the population to nearly 10 billion by 2050, it is mandatory to improve the supply and chain of food to prevent further wastage and hunger. Another limitation is that millions of people are the victims of foodborne illnesses each year. Food providers must have visibility to the entire procedure of growth and production of the crops.
Through our platform, technologies can be found and implemented. A blockchain application helps in eradicating these challenges. In a complex food supply, the suppliers usually have low involvement in the production of the food ingredients. By indulging technology, these suppliers can keep track of the production and know the chain that is followed.
A few more examples of how the customers and vendors can join their hands through our platforms are;
The closure of 123,000 schools has negatively impacted the lives of students and their parents. Through our platform, technology can be involved to keep track of such families and provide them with relevant food and job to overcome their problems.
The biggest global challenge for the food industry, food waste, can be overcome with the help of technology. It can help in tracking the order and knowing the number of leftovers. Through specialized software, it can be made easier to supply wasted food to the needy.
Technology can also be used to help the farmers in knowing the best time to grow a crop. Through software, farmers can predict the weather condition and know the best time to grow the desired crops.
The modern digital agricultural system can be used to promote a better farming experience. The combined formula of digitalization, mechanization, and geospatial data analysis can help in promoting a better farming experience globally.
Using technology can also help in reducing the costs of other factors such as transportation, fertilizers, and operational costs. This will also help in returning something back to the economy. The agriculture sector has always proved to be the backbone of the economy.