Climate Action | Taxa - Cloud, Payments & Software for Business & Government | Taxa Inc,
Climate Action
Come at the forefront of combating climate change and the negative impacts that accompany it.
The consequences of poor environmental choices
Over 90% of global disasters were related to extreme climate changes as recorded in the past decade. This led to an increase in the economic burden caused by these disasters and the people affected by them. According to a report concocted by the United Nations-related authorities, the economic losses caused by climate-related disasters totaled an amount close to US$2.3 billion. This number has increased approximately 68-69% from the US$1.3 billion pre-recorded amount ranging from 1978 to 1997.
Regarding personal losses, close to 40 million people were deemed homeless either temporarily or permanently during 2016-2017 due to natural disasters. The Global risks Report ranked environmental and climate threats as the most eminent of all other global risks.
TAXA introducing preventive innovations
TAXA has always upheld its dues to society. Our mission is to accommodate the general public better and provide them with safeguards against the natural-disasters. Once incurred, it is impossible to stop climate disasters from wreaking havoc, which gives being prepared and having countermeasures in place all the more important to achieve an ecosystem where human lives can flourish without constant losses.
TAXA is partnered with vendors and service providers that are experts in predictive technology and analysis. Leveraging ground-breaking techniques and new-age tools to analyze key factors leading to most climate-related disasters is the biggest priority. Only after knowing the causes can you provide a solution. Having detailed information on the cause and factors of each major natural event can you devise suitable safeguards and reductive measures against them to provide better security to your investments and the general public. By using revolutionizing predictive tactics and technology, government and private sectors can predict the exact geographical location, time-span, and impact magnitude f each natural event, which assists in developing safeguard protocols that are area efficient and magnitude effective.
Through suitable technological means, it is also possible to gain insight into the factors that contribute the most to the natural disasters, after which experts can analyze those factors and develop policies and processes that reduce these factors, which ultimately bring about a positive change in the natural cycle possibly preventing those horrific events from ever happening.
TAXA's part in creating a sustainable future for the global economy
TAXA has always believed that only we can make a difference for our world. Our operations have always had a waste reduction and efficient utilization as our top priority working as a market pioneer. Additionally, we ensure that all our partners and service vendors share TAXA's values of preserving the environment to benefit mankind. The technology provided by the partners and vendors of TAXA can help private, and government sectors and organizations analyze and assess existing geographical conditions and economic consumption data to devise detailed reports that provide expert insight into the current macro-economic conditions. This makes it easier to predict the future rates of waste production and resource consumption. Thereon, you can leverage the state-of-the-art technical solutions made available by the experts partnered with TAXA to devise appropriate protocols and measures to reduce those statistics, which boosts your public portrayal, which in the line increases revenue for your business.