Taxa University | Taxa - Cloud, Payments & Software for Business & Government | Taxa Inc,

Taxa University

A place where global leaders’ vision are sharpened via technology.

Supporting Each Other

We identify and understand our clients' sole experience and expertise. Fast and quick access to data is key in our ever-changing online world. In the case of software assistance, it's easy to ignore that some of the most treasured data lie in the thoughts of our users.

Taxa Community is a massive digital association and crowdsourcing technology for our clients.

  • Go through forums, debates, and wikis to solve problems
  • Link with peers and workforce for a combined, collaborating setting
  • Collective ideal observations and know-how about products or services
  • Grasp and reprocess shared information

Education at Your Accessibility

Taxa University, our ongoing academic platform, gives you nonstop all-day access to Taxa merchandise and courses. It is a digital resource for expanding your skills, acquiring the newest software, and updating state-of-the-art tools or processes. With different courses to choose from, you can learn something new every day.

Taxa's lineup of specialists delivers appealing, applicable, practical prospectus on the Taxa agendas, plans and procedures to use every day. This aids in decreasing new worker training expenses while also giving a more knowledgeable workforce the chance to retreat to significant topics.


Tools for Client Success


Serving the Client

Solid application, custom training, and ever-ready assistance are the pillars of Taxa's client services; we are with our clients during each phase of their elements.

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Taxa Community

Our clients enjoy the resourcefulness of Taxa Community – a 24/7, non-emergency, and online platform for support and assistance.

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Taxa Customer Learning Center

Our 24/7/365 unwavering education expertise, the Taxa Learning Center, gives clients access to Taxa vendors product courses, so they get the most out of their software and technologies.

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    Founder's story
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    100% Safe & Secure
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Head Office
Taxa Inc
1300 Street NW, Suit 400E Washington DC 20005 USA
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Office in Tanzania
Taxa Enterprises LTD
Magomeni Makuti A Street Near Magomeni Catholic Church Kinondoni, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
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Office in Zambia
Taxa Zambia LTD
Main Street Ibex Hill Lusaka, Zambia
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Office in DR Congo
Taxa DRC Sarl
25 Av de I'OUA, en face d'Iveco Commune de Ngaliema, Kinshasa DR Congo
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Office in Angola
Taxa AI Platform LDA
Casa s/n°, Av. Pedro de Castro Van-Dúnem Loy, Golfe 1, Kilamba-Kiaxi, Luanda, Angola
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