Good Health and Well Being | Taxa - Cloud, Payments & Software for Business & Government | Taxa Inc,
Good Health and Well Being
To ensure the well being and good health of all the lives on this planet
Why Do Deaths Take Place?
To overcome the problem of increasing diseases and deaths, it is significant to understand why they exist in the first place. 4 years ago, in 2016, there were almost 71% of deaths globally. Most of those were because of diseases like cardiovascular problems, diabetes, cancer, malaria, malnutrition, improper sanitization, and water issues. Compared to the past, with evolution, the diseases are evolving too.
Considering this situation, it can be concluded that it is vital to use new and innovative ways in order to acquire good health and well-being of humanity.
Use Digitalization and Education to End the Problem of Poverty
If we make proper use of technology, a lot of issues can be resolved. Over the past few years, Pneumonia has proved to be the leading cause of child deaths. The issue can be resolved if we combine both education and technology together. A little improvision in the machinery and medication, a little education on how the disease looks like, can do wonders. In 2013, WHO and UNICEF combined their hands to find out the root cause of such deadly diseases. Poor people have had to live an inadequate lifestyle since the beginning. Water shortage, air pollution, and food supply are the main reasons why most poor children contract Pneumonia.
Softwares can be indulged, and the government can use different ways to educate the poor people. The best way to fight issues is to face them, and with technology, facing problems is not that challenging now.
Prompt and Accurate Treatment can Save Lives
Biomedical and information technology has evolved and kind of taken over. This analysis of the human genome has an open field of innovation that has the potential to end the entire healthcare system. It was difficult to analyze and detect the diseases in the past, but now it is absolutely different. Diseases can now be understood at a genetic level, and treatment and modules can be assigned accordingly. There are a lot of benefits that this field has got to offer. If chosen wisely, technology can help in saving lives.
How Technology can Play a Significant Role
Simplifying medicines, diagnosis, treatment, and cure is the ultimate goal of the healthcare industry. With technology by the side, this all can be made easier. For example, over 132 million people globally depend on wheelchairs. With time, wheelchairs evolved, and technology was involved. Now, wheelchairs can be operated through technology and have proved to be a good decision. Many such innovations can be made to improve the quality of human health and well-being. Together, we can make the world a better place to live in.