Taxa YDI University Network | Taxa - Cloud, Payments & Software for Business & Government | Taxa Inc,

Taxa YDI University Network

Nurturing the talents of our generation to be better prepared to tackle future hurdles and make a better future.

Taxa YDI University Memberships

Taxa's YDI University Network members can access our platform's plethora of software and learning content, as well as best practices for integrating program resources into teaching methods for better results. Partner with the TAXA ecosystem of partners by consorting with the global network of TAXA YDI and TAXA Global future Network and university centers and academic proficiency centers partnered with TDI University around the world.

Associate Membership (free of charge)

As an associate member, you can further your horizons with access to:

  • Curriculums devised through a vast network of knowledge sharing
  • Workshops involving various topics
  • Community activities.
  • Competitions and meetups are held periodically
  • Education and practice platforms

Full Membership

As a fulltime member, you get all of the benefits mentioned above, as well as access to:

  • A wide range of Taxa software solutions for an evolved method of teaching which rakes in better results.
  • Low costing hosting for software solutions and pre-configured classrooms environments and teaching platforms.
  • Support through your University-affiliated competence centers and entrepreneurship competence centers
  • Invitations to events where you can expand your knowledge, build relationships with other educators and pioneers in the education field, and connect with industry partners

Help students understand and flourish in the business technology field

Access to tools and platforms that can enable self-paced education to streamline the education process and expose students to a better path to gaining expertise in the business technology industry.


Introduction to intelligent technologies

Machine learning and the IoT to blockchain and advanced analytics help students understand and utilize the latest technological innovations to further enable universal enterprises.


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YDI hosts many gatherings and events around the globe to help connect like-minded innovators to speed the evolution cycle of the modern world.

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Taxa YDI - Young Builders

The Young Builders program within the YDI initiative introduces the students to tools of the new era. It helps the students explore all niches to realize how they can shape their own and society's Future.

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TAXA's YDI initiative interconnects students, researchers, and startup executives with TAXA's clientele and partners to help nurture the Innovation the UN goals and new-age Taxa platform solutions.

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