Events | Taxa - Cloud, Payments & Software for Business & Government | Taxa Inc,


The first step to working together is to build the communication gap and engage with the partners.

Expedite Business Innovations by Attending Taxa Universities Network Events

Taxa Universities Network offers different events and projects to promote engagement among the partners. It lets to share and know about digital insights with the academia, invest in innovations and startups, and connect with technological experts and partners. Join Taxa at an event like boot camps, innovation tours, or meetups.

Collaborative Revolution with Taxa Events

  • Join hands with leaders and experts of technology, Taxa's partners, startups, and tech communities.
  • Keep track of your digital transformation learning pace.
  • Test the next generation leaders and challenge them to develop innovative designs, new prototype apps, and creative business models to overcome the troubles linked to the U.N. global goals.

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Help us innovate the Future

Join us in our journey to produce comprehensive solutions to accommodate the 17 UN global goals for sustainable and sturdy development by joining the annual YDI purpose week

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Taxa YDI University Network

Taxa YDI University Network is an educational platform that introduces students and faculties to TAXA platformed software that provides networking and educational resources that promote technology pioneering and utilization skills.

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Taxa YDI - Young Builders

The Young Builders program within the YDI initiative introduces the students to tools of the new era. It helps the students explore all niches to realize how they can shape their own and society's Future.

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Taxa Inc
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Taxa Enterprises LTD
Magomeni Makuti A Street Near Magomeni Catholic Church Kinondoni, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
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Taxa Zambia LTD
Main Street Ibex Hill Lusaka, Zambia
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Office in DR Congo
Taxa DRC Sarl
25 Av de I'OUA, en face d'Iveco Commune de Ngaliema, Kinshasa DR Congo
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Office in Angola
Taxa AI Platform LDA
Casa s/n°, Av. Pedro de Castro Van-Dúnem Loy, Golfe 1, Kilamba-Kiaxi, Luanda, Angola
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