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Guide to using a CRM with email automation: the best triggers


Witten byCody Samsons

Posted onApril 15, 2020


Think about it—someone who’s been lounging on your email list has already decided not to buy from you. Or else they would have done it already. That doesn’t mean you should never sell to them. When times are hard, many people want to help their communities — but aren’t sure where to start. To help point people in the right direction, community members are creating resources of ways to support local businesses and people in the service industry. The service industry has been hit especially hard by mandated closures, leaving many people in the service industry without reliable income.

The Chicago Service Relief directory is a “directory of fundraisers for Chicago bars, venues, and restaurants that can use our help to support their staff during the state-mandated shutdown” created by Spencer Tweedy.

By the end of this post, you’ll have the blueprints for a straightforward, 6-email welcome series.
  • Exactly what you need to put in each email (and the timing of each email)

  • How “stages of awareness” help you turn questioning readers into satisfied customers

  • Examples of people who get incredible results with their sequences. I’m talking 70% more revenue, 89% more revenue.

Think about it—someone who’s been lounging on your email list has already decided not to buy from you. Or else they would have done it already. That doesn’t mean you should never sell to them. When times are hard, many people want to help their communities — but aren’t sure where to start. To help point people in the right direction, community members are creating resources of ways to support local businesses and people in the service industry. The service industry has been hit especially hard by mandated closures, leaving many people in the service industry without reliable income.

The Chicago Service Relief directory is a “directory of fundraisers for Chicago bars, venues, and restaurants that can use our help to support their staff during the state-mandated shutdown” created by Spencer Tweedy.


Think about it—someone who’s been lounging on your email list has already decided not to buy from you. Or else they would have done it already. That doesn’t mean you should never sell to them. When times are hard, many people want to help their communities — but aren’t sure where to start. To help point people in the right direction, community members are creating resources of ways to support local businesses and people in the service industry. The service industry has been hit especially hard by mandated closures, leaving many people in the service industry without reliable income.

Think about it—someone who’s been lounging on your email list has already decided not to buy from you. Or else they would have done it already. That doesn’t mean you should never sell to them. When times are hard, many people want to help their communities — but aren’t sure where to start. To help point people in the right direction, community members are creating resources of ways to support local businesses and people in the service industry. The service industry has been hit especially hard by mandated closures, leaving many people in the service industry without reliable income.

The Chicago Service Relief directory is a “directory of fundraisers for Chicago bars, venues, and restaurants that can use our help to support their staff during the state-mandated shutdown” created by Spencer Tweedy.

Think about it—someone who’s been lounging on your email list has already decided not to buy from you. Or else they would have done it already. That doesn’t mean you should never sell to them. When times are hard, many people want to help their communities — but aren’t sure where to start. To help point people in the right direction, community members are creating resources of ways to support local businesses and people in the service industry. The service industry has been hit especially hard by mandated closures, leaving many people in the service industry without reliable income.

The Chicago Service Relief directory is a “directory of fundraisers for Chicago bars, venues, and restaurants that can use our help to support their staff during the state-mandated shutdown” created by Spencer Tweedy.

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