Our Support and guidance | Taxa - Cloud, Payments & Software for Business & Government | Taxa Inc,

Our Support and guidance

Providing you with the best value for your investment for an extended period.

Warranting Your Success

The goal of TAXA is to provide its clients with technical and software solutions. A major aspect here is to ensure our clients receive thorough consultation after every system implementation and detailed training regarding the system for all of our client's employees. By linking with TAXA for your operational and software needs, you guarantee yourself continual enhanced technology and low-cost ownership than what our competitors offer.


Constant Melioration

The service providers available on TAXA are all verified field experts who pride themselves in providing the best custom-tailored solutions for your organization's needs. So, when you trust in TAXA, you can rest assured that you have become part of a long-term relationship where continuous support and technical improvements are provided to you till the end of your contract and not just till your system goes live.

  • TAXA helps you grow and elevate your organization's productivity through technology.
  • Provide extended support to your organization for swift problem-solving.

Consumption Gap

Consumption gap refers to the operational gaps that develop when new employees are added to the workforce that are not knowledgeable on how to use your company software or when new system updates drastically change functionality and user interface. TAXA confronts these consumption gaps by hosting software solution providers who make it their goal to cut back on downtime by providing timely training to staff and coherently implementing system upgrades while keeping updates user-friendly and adaptable.

  • Offer training of all aspects to all new hires and transfer in your organization.
  • Empower you to leverage the constant enhancements to enhance operational processes further.

Progress Roadmap

TAXA uses a progress roadmap devised after continuous research in the corporate market and analyzing all industry-standard operations used in gauging your establishment's current standings.

  • The progress roadmap indicators to assess your current operational state.
  • It is used to ascertain which areas are the most crucial and immediate need of attention and enhancement.
  • Map out quarterly goals for implementations and procedure adjustments.

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No Upgrades on Cost

Our unswerving philosophy assists our clients to have the newest software as upgrades happen – without extra license fees. We believe our clients deserve an ideal version of their software on our platform.

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Client Events

We extend the opportunity for our clients to broaden their relationship with our workforce and progress their product know-how through our events that endorse engagement.

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Transformative Technology

We help business, and administration members transform and modernize operations to execute faster, better service to their customers.

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Taxa Inc
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Office in Tanzania
Taxa Enterprises LTD
Magomeni Makuti A Street Near Magomeni Catholic Church Kinondoni, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
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Office in Zambia
Taxa Zambia LTD
Main Street Ibex Hill Lusaka, Zambia
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Office in DR Congo
Taxa DRC Sarl
25 Av de I'OUA, en face d'Iveco Commune de Ngaliema, Kinshasa DR Congo
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Office in Angola
Taxa AI Platform LDA
Casa s/n°, Av. Pedro de Castro Van-Dúnem Loy, Golfe 1, Kilamba-Kiaxi, Luanda, Angola
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