TAXA's Environmental Responsible | Taxa - Cloud, Payments & Software for Business & Government | Taxa Inc,

TAXA's Environmental Responsible

TAXA has a firm belief that only we can save our home planet from demise.

Battling the Climate change

The entirety of TAXA recognizes the seriousness of the atmospheric effect and gradual threat the emission of carbon residue and greenhouse gases pose to our planet. We strive to lessen the corrosive burden on our planet through constant effort to reduce carbon emissions throughout our business activities and those of our vendors and supply chain partners.

The steps towards the greater good


All commodities affiliated with TAXA follow a strict structured protocol of operations. This includes an environment and climate policy, energy usage strategy with key targets to be met to reduce our carbon footprint.


We record all our efforts to reduce carbon emissions each year. By analyzing this data, we can better understand which points we made a real difference in and how to better our approach.


After intensive analysis and assessments, periodic operational changes are made to reduce expense and energy usage and help us meet our climate change objectives.

Supply Chain

As a market leader, we strictly monitor sustainability progress and efforts across our supply chain to provide better insight into our carbon emission impacts.

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Taxa Inc
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Taxa Enterprises LTD
Magomeni Makuti A Street Near Magomeni Catholic Church Kinondoni, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
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Office in Zambia
Taxa Zambia LTD
Main Street Ibex Hill Lusaka, Zambia
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Office in DR Congo
Taxa DRC Sarl
25 Av de I'OUA, en face d'Iveco Commune de Ngaliema, Kinshasa DR Congo
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Office in Angola
Taxa AI Platform LDA
Casa s/n°, Av. Pedro de Castro Van-Dúnem Loy, Golfe 1, Kilamba-Kiaxi, Luanda, Angola
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